Dried poop
Rotten wood
Whole grain flour
Corn meal
Synonyms: brittle, deteriorated, friable, powdery, pilled…
Describing texture in a story creates intimacy between reader and character, and can even cause an emotional trigger for both. To anchor the reader in the scene, make sure comparisons and contrasts are clear and relatable, and within the scope of the narrator’s life knowledge and experience.
Textures are a powerful tool for pulling readers into the narrating character’s world, so don’t skimp.
Looking for ways to encourage that shared empathy bond between your readers and the hero? You’ll be happy to know that this thesaurus has been expanded by 60% (many new entries to explore!) and integrated into our online library at One Stop For Writers. With One Stop’s cross-referenced searchability, adding texture to your writing has never been easier, so if you’re interested in seeing a free sampling of the updated Texture Thesaurus and our other collections, head on over and register.
Angela is a writing coach, international speaker, and bestselling author who loves to travel, teach, empower writers, and pay-it-forward. She also is a founder of One Stop For Writers, a portal to powerful, innovative tools to help writers elevate their storytelling.
Angela says
Thanks everyone! And PJ, I swear, we don’t have a fetish about poop.
Deb Logan says
Nice list!
PJ Hoover says
Dried poop. LOL!
Thanks as always!
Beth Kephart says
My goodness. Thank you for bringing me (in your own sweet way) to your site. I know how much work this entails, and how helpful it is.
Angela says
Thanks Spam, CR & Roy! You guys are awesome!
Roy Buchanan says
I likey. Well done. 🙂
C.R. Evers says
another excellent list!
now I’m really hungry for a berry cobbler. mmmmmmm . . .
spamwarrior says
yay! Another cool word with description!