To create a “supplementary database” of information on additional jobs that dovetail with those in The Occupation Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Jobs, Vocations, and Careers, our wonderful Street Team is sharing their own experiences in different careers. Awesome, right?
Click on the job below to view additional helpful details about that career that you can use for your characters!

Birth Doula (H.M. Shander)
Boxing Coach (Kelly Malacko)
Career Counselor: (Darlene Foster)
Chambermaid (Angela Ackerman)
Children’s Author (Jarm Del Boccio)
Computer Technician (Jessica Kaye)
Facilities and Maintenance Person (Jessica Subject)
Florist/Floral Designer (Michelle Cornish)
Golf Course Groundskeeper (Aime Sund)
Group Home House Parent (Bish Denham)
Hazardous Materials Laboratory Manager (Tracy Perkins)
Human Resources Specialist (Sharee Stover)
Legal Assistant (Brandi MacCurdy)
Mall Retail Store Keyholder (Elissa Kane)
Music Critic (Sara Letourneau)
Office Temp (Jami Gold)
Physician Assistant (Sara Blackman)
Process Clerk (Steven Capobianco)
Sports Coach (Jennifer Lane)
Tax Auditor (Anonymous)
Technical Editor (Emma Lombard)
U.S. Army Soldier, Patriot Launching Station Enhanced Operator-Maintainer (14T) (David Feinstein)
Need more ideas?

Check out the Occupation Thesaurus Guide. It contains 124 different occupations in a range of fields (here’s the list).
Or visit our expanded Occupation Thesaurus Database at One Stop for Writers where you may find additional entries to help you.
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U.S. Army Soldier, Patriot Launching Station Enhanced Operator-Maintainer (14T) (David Feinstein) This link is broken
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