WFWA Retreaters!

Angela here, so excited for Albuquerque–I can’t wait! As I was looking over my sessions it occurred that it may be extra helpful to offer you access to the THESAURUS at One Stop for Writers to maximize your writing time at the retreat.

For anyone new to One Stop for Writers, this is a webapp Becca and I stuffed with story resources and tools to make writing easier. One resource is a show-don’t-tell database (THESAURUS) containing all the brainstorming lists from our books, plus other thesauri we’ve created over the years but not turned into books.

My WRWA sessions touch on topics in this THESAURUS, including conflict, emotional wounds, positive and negative traits, emotions, and emotion amplifiers. If you need quick brainstorming help as we work on characters and our stories, or want support during writing time, it might help to have this resource to draw from.

One Stop for Writers is a subscription site, but I’ve created a code to give you free access for a month.

Sign up if you do not have an account. If you do but aren’t subscribed, sign in.
–Go to Account >> My Subscription
–Choose the 1-month plan
–Add your payment details (the code will zero out the cost)
–Add the code WFWARETREAT to the coupon box, hit the button, and check the “terms” box
–Once the coupon is fully activated, you will see a $0 invoice onscreen. Hit the final Subscribe button.


Like most subscriptions, One Stop for Writers uses an auto-renew. This means to ensure you don’t lose access when you need it most, your plan will roll over unless you unsubscribe. Don’t worry, One Stop sends email reminders before this happens so you can make changes to your plan, but if you don’t need more than this free month, you can hit “unsubscribe” soon after subscribing for peace of mind. This button is on the My Subscription page.

If you need help setting up an account or using this code, contact Becca or me at and we’d be happy to help. You can activate this code up until September 10th, 2024.

See you soon!
