Looking to Guest Post at Writers Helping Writers?
We are happy to host writers and industry professionals to the blog! However, due to the sheer amount of requests we receive, we have to be selective in the content that we publish.
- Material from marketers
- Requests for backlinks (paid or unpaid)
- Ads for products and services
- Articles from writers promoting essay writing services
- Articles focused on academia and student life
- Articles about freelancing
- Content written by A.I. or machine learning software/tools
Read the Following to See if WHW Is the Right Fit for Your Article:
- We focus on articles that empower, educate, and help fiction writers improve their skills. Posts should target an aspect of writing, publishing, marketing, or promotion and offer fresh insight to our readers. That said, we favor articles on writing craft, especially topics writers wrestle with but are not often discussed.
- To find out if we’ve already covered your idea, you can do a search or browse previous blog posts by category. These functions can be found at the top or in the right-hand sidebar of any blog page.
- We’re looking for posts by writers and industry professional who wish to share their knowledge and experience. Rights remain with the guest poster as we don’t pay for material. We will also entertain reprints if the material is exceptional.
- The average post at Writers Helping Writers is 800-1000 words long.
- Because our blog is used by many teachers with students in the classroom, our posts need to maintain a PG rating. Please keep this in mind when it comes to language and overall topics.
- Due to the large number of writing blogs out there and the advice that’s generously being shared, we want to make sure we aren’t recycling the same old tips. The content we post needs to be fresh, providing ideas and information that is in some way new or profound.
- Your post should be practical and accessible to all levels of writers. Be sure to add some tips for how writers can apply the new knowledge you’re sharing. Up to two related external links can be included within the body of the post.
- Submitted posts should be edited and typo-free. If your content requires major editing, we will pass, so take your time and only send your best work.
- Guest posters are expected to share the post online once it publishes and respond to comments at the blog as they come in. This is something our readers have come to expect, and it’s a great way for authors to connect with potential new readers.
- Keep in mind that a post’s main function is not to promote; instead, it’s an opportunity for the poster to demonstrate knowledge and to help writers overcome common struggles. If you have a book, product, or service to introduce to our readers, you’ll have a chance to do so in your bio.
Publicists, please do not send us unsolicited books or email “form” letters inviting us to review books or host authors. Take the time to understand who we are and what our blog focuses on.
If you’re still interested in posting with us, we’d love to hear from you. To help us stay organized, please send your request VIA THIS FORM and Mindy, our Resident Blog Wizard, will be in touch.
Have a Book You’d Like Us to Review?
Unfortunately, Becca and I rarely offer book reviews. We really wish we had the time, but with many sites and projects we have to prioritize our energy so we can help as many writers as possible.
If you are an author seeking exposure for your book or a writer looking to build your platform and gain experience through guest blogging, you are welcome to fill out the guest post form above. Unique content will be prioritized. We also recommend checking out this section on the Business of Writing for marketing advice.
Thank you!
Hello, I have your website bookmarked to my favorites and subscribe to your newsletter. I am writing my first book. Do you have any suggestions or resources that address the length of scenes?. I think my scene lengths are too long. Is two pages too long for a scene?
Your advice is wonderful. It gives me hope and inspiration.
Hi Nancy,
The length of the scenes will depend on what is happening, and the genre of your story. If there’s a lot going on, the scene might be longer. If there’s a lot of action, the scene might be shorter. I did find this article that may help you: https://www.writersdigest.com/writing-articles/by-writing-goal/improve-my-writing/scene-length-short-scenes-versus-long-scenes
Hey Guys!
I got into a discussion over on CC, our old haunts about the quality of writers we had, and the advice they could offer. I mentioned some of our successful alumini and someone mentioned the Emotional Thesaurus, so I had to go hunting you down. 😀 Congratulations on your success!
Aw, that is awesome! We have such a special place in our hearts for the Critique Circle. We recommend writers go there to connect with other writers and evolve their craft all the time because it was such an important part of our own development. Please thank whoever mentioned us, and thanks to you for reaching out to us here! We hope everyone at CC is doing great, and finding support and knowledge to advance their passion for writing!
Critique Circle is the best! Have got so much awesome feedback from them 😀
I’m a Newbie author. I wrote one novel and three-quarters of another. I thought the novels were great… and still do. But something kept nagging me that they weren’t polished enough to publish even though I was really, really, really anxious (I’m sure you can relate) to publish. (I already have several short stories published as free downloads in Smashwords.com)
I’m 82 and my social security is the only income I have. Because I have no idea if my books will even sell one copy to cover my expenses, I cannot afford a professional editor or book cover designer. ISBN numbers, Bar Codes etc. are expensive (for me anyway) as it is, but I have to have those so I’ve budgeted for them. Now back to my main point.
I posted the prologue of my first book. WOW! What an awakening. The main problems I had were Point of View (I was head hopping) and Passive Voice in addition to some other issues. Based upon the comments I received, my story really needed many corrections and “beefing up.” To say I was discouraged is putting it mildly. But after a week or two I came out of my “funk”.
I went online and downloaded articles on these subjects. Not enough information. I found a free editing site online and three free editing software programs. I purchased books (24 so far – some are just thesauruses) on various topics (including how to write mystery/suspense crime novels because that’s my genre) including ALL OF YOUR BOOKS.
I now have every one of your books and LOVE them. They’re the best. I love the way you write. I wish you had one on Point of View and Passive Voice because what you write in the front of your books is soooo clear, easy to grasp and understand your points and what the writer should do. I’m now spending most of my days reading your books while I go back to my manuscripts (Word documents) and edit them.
Since these topics probably wouldn’t have enough material for a whole book, perhaps you could write one book for those two topics and include others i.e. Common mistakes new authors make?
My WordPress Blog site is new. I’m just building it and posting articles.
Again, your books are fabulous and a tremendous help to ANY writer, new or experienced. I’ll also be checking this site from time to time and will add your Buttons to my WordPress Site.
Gail, thanks for telling us a little bit about your journey. I’m so glad that you’re finding the resources you need to improve and grow, regardless of where they come from. I appreciate your kind words about our books; it’s hard work, takes a lot of time and research, and Angela and I often second-guess ourselves because we want so badly to be able to help other writers and the last thing we want to do is let them down. So hearing that our information has helped you is incredibly satisfying, to say the least.
You’re probably right that we wouldn’t be able to write a whole book/thesaurus on those topics, but it’s always good to know what writers are looking for. It could be that we’re able to offer up more content on our blog in these areas.
Thanks again for taking the time to write. Best of luck to you!
I also have just recently discovered this site and it is AMAZING! I plan to buy all of your books because they all sound fantastic as well as necessary to an author! I love this site and the fact that it focuses on the educational aspect in writing! I’m a multi-published author and I will use your books and the articles on this site because I NEED them. There is always something to be learned in writing and this is a great place to start.
I am so glad you found us, P.I.! I hope all our content here is a big help. Make sure to visit the Tools for Writers page, as there are loads of goodies there. 🙂
I have written a book called cop shop, about two serial killers prowling the streets of south los angeles, brutally killing young women. it interweaves several memorable characters, including a journalist ,several other newsmen and the detectives who work to solve the case. it is a graphic novel with violence and i’m having trouble finding a agent. is there a market for graphic crime novels? The story is based on my tenure as a police reporter for the los angeles herald examiner. Any suggestions for agents? Are there people who review query letters for free?
Hi, there. My first suggestion would be for you to look at other novels that are similar to yours in genre and graphicness (if that was a real word) and find out who the author’s agent is. You can usually find mention of the agent in the acknowledgments section of the book or on the author’s website. Those authors should go on your “possible agents” list. Then check out AgentQuery.com. In the left sidebar, choose your genre and it will produce a list of agents who are accepting that kind of story. You’ll need to go through the list and weed out the ones that aren’t a good fit, but it will give you a good starting list of agents who are looking for submissions in your genre.
Regarding query letters, it’s been my experience that critique groups/partners are GOLD when it come stop critiquing query letters, and they do it for free. If you’re not currently part of a group, Critique Circle is a stellar online group where you can submit your query letter and get feedback on it (though it’s always a good idea to return the favor and critique the work of those who comment).
I hope this helps!
yes it does…thank you.
I often refer students to your site, and were it not for the fact that I am already signed up for a number of other writing sites, I would sign up for this one.
Hi their,
I have recently found my way onto this site and I look forward to learning many new ideas and writing techniques.
I’m struggling to use social media to promote myself.
I was brought up in the good old days of chalk boards and the abacus !!
The nearest to any type of computer I ever came, was the good old Z.X Spetrum!
It may be hard to believe that people, like myself, still exist within this vast world of technology, But we do!
So using the internet, Facebook or Twitter are all a foreign concept to me!
However, your never too old to learn new things, so if you anyone can give me advice over the sort of things I should post,( mainly on twitter), to get myself recognized and enable me to begin self promoting , this would be greatly appreciated.
I’m at the final draft stage of my work and, hopefully, I can begin the arduous task of trying to hook an agent.
I am aware that my slim and almost impossible chance of success will increase, if i can get to grips with the various social media sites.
Many Thanks
David you’ll find lots of help using the tags in the sidebar and checking out the social medial handouts on the Tools For Writers page. Good luck! 🙂
I am scheduling a book tour in November. I understand that you rarely review books and may not want to be included on my book tour. However, could I write a post about the writing process. It may interest your new writers to follow my blog as I write about the writing process of my book. Plus I am offering $100 for someone to name one of my books.
The key to securing guest posts is to read the submission guidelines of any website you wish to partner with. Right here on this page it outlines the proper way to contact us. If you could please read our guidelines next time, that would be appreciated.
(warning I can not spell to save my life, so please excuse my future mistakes ) I really really really love this this website 😀 its amazingly wonderfully awesome
Thanks Alice. 🙂 Just so you know, comments show up after we approve them by hand. Unfortunately we get hit by a lot of spammers, and so it’s important we delete all that stuff before it hits the blog. 🙂
Ok cool
So glad to find your site. I look forward to learning more. Especially because I’m tired of the clichés . . .brushing a strand of hair from face, biting inside of cheek or biting lip (that just sounds painful), and so one. Marlene
Glad you found your way here–welcome to the site!
I would to add that I really enjoy your site. It is giving me the inspiration and new ideas for my writing. Recently, I self published my first book of poetry, My Life As I Know It, on Amazon Kindle. Do you have any suggestions for marketing?
Thank you for the wonderful site,
HI Caitlin,
We’ll have some more marketing handouts soon, but here’s some marketing posts to help for now: https://writershelpingwriters.net/category/marketing/ Congrats on your new book!
What can I say, except thank you so much.
You are the best Jim! Happy we can help 🙂
I am at the moment working on my book and I don’t want to take too much of your time. I have the negative, positive and emotion books. I needed something to give my character a depth and in the negative book you use the woman character who wants to gain acceptance from her father by dedicating herself to his work. This fits exactly into the type of person she is and I typed it in and adjusted it slightly to fit. I appreciate the effort both of you have put into the books you have written and the problem I have is it nearly word for word what you have written as an example. The issue is mine to solve but I just wanted both of you to know how valuable that short paragraph is to my story. I not asking for permission to use it as I will try and adjust it so that it read the same but hopefully prevent you both from feeling I have blatantly taken a passage from your work. I understand that these books are for reference only and the copyright is yours. I just wanted to say thank you for giving my character a believable depth.
James, this is so great to hear! Writing these books was a series of Holy Moly moments for both of us as one light bulb after another went off in regards to characterization and human nature. I’m so glad that one of the examples hit home for you. And in this case, we’re not worried about copyright infringement. We didn’t create that scenario; sadly, it’s real for any number of people. Just put it in your own words and make it your own, and you’re golden ;).