Skin of an apple/eggplant/watermelon
River-tumbled pebbles
Rose petals
Shark fin…
Freshly shaved skin
Sterling silver
Gold wedding band…
Synonyms: polished, flowing, sleek, flat, flush, lustrous, refined
Describing texture in a story creates intimacy between reader and character, and can even cause an emotional trigger for both. To anchor the reader in the scene, make sure comparisons and contrasts are clear and relatable, and within the scope of the narrator’s life knowledge and experience.
Textures are a powerful tool for pulling readers into the narrating character’s world, so don’t skimp.
Looking for ways to encourage that shared empathy bond between your readers and the hero? You’ll be happy to know that this thesaurus has been expanded by 60% (many new entries to explore!) and integrated into our online library at One Stop For Writers. With One Stop’s cross-referenced searchability, adding texture to your writing has never been easier, so if you’re interested in seeing a free sampling of the updated Texture Thesaurus and our other collections, head on over and register.
Angela is a writing coach, international speaker, and bestselling author who loves to travel, teach, empower writers, and pay-it-forward. She also is a founder of One Stop For Writers, a portal to powerful, innovative tools to help writers elevate their storytelling.
*snicker* “Unlce Cletis”…*SNORT*
Thanks Shannon! I just stopped by and you made my day!
Coel, you know, I didn’t think of a baby’s bottom. I think it might be overused tho–it makes me think of TV commercials for some reason.
Stephanie, thank you so much. And yes the apple looks so shiny and crunchy. I had to pick it for the picture!
PJ, looks like you and Coel are thinking on the same wavelength, lol!
What about a baby’s butt? Smooth as a baby’s butt, right?
Nice post!
Man, that apple looks tasty!
This is the best thesaurus site ever- I love it!
no baby’s bottom? or is that too overused already 🙂
Good morning! I have an award waiting for you at my blog today – come and see! 🙂
Thanks Karen!
Bish, I was thinking more of the leaves tha are actually on the pineapple. Technically the ‘stem’ but thery look more like leaves? Maybe I’ll switch it to stem and it’ll be less comfusing. And yes, silk–that’s a good one. Thanks!
Hummmmm. Pineapple leaves are serrated along the edges, not exactly smooth. But maybe I’m being picky. Most fabric might be considered smooth, like silk or velvet, the ultimate smooth.
I like these posts! Thanks for sharing it and giving me something to think about:) Blessings!