This contest is closed—please try again next month. If you’d like to be notified when the next one goes live, consider using the Subscribe to Our Newsletter option on our home page.
Hey, wonderful writerly people! It’s time for our monthly first-page critique contest 🙂
If you’re working on a first page (in any genre except erotica) and would like some objective feedback, please leave a comment. Any comment :). As long as the email address associated with your WordPress account/comment profile is up-to-date, I’ll be able to contact you if your first page is chosen. Just please know that if I’m unable to get in touch with you through that address, you’ll have to forfeit your win.
Two caveats:
▪ Please be sure your first page is ready to go so I can critique it before next month’s contest rolls around. If it needs some work and you won’t be able to get it to me right away, let me ask that you plan on entering the next contest, once any necessary tweaking has been taken care of.
▪ I’d like to be able to use portions of winning submissions as illustrations in an upcoming presentation on first pages. By entering the Critiques 4 U contest, you’ll be granting permission for me to use small writing samples only (no author names or book titles).
Three commenters’ names will be randomly drawn and posted tomorrow morning. If you win, you can email me your first page and I’ll offer my feedback.
We run this contest on a monthly basis, so if you’d like to be notified when the next opportunity comes around, consider subscribing to our blog (see the left-hand sidebar).
Best of luck!
Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers—a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.
I am eager to have to look at my first page. I always enjoy your posts.
Hi, Judith! I’m afraid to say that this contest ended yesterday. They only run for 24 hours. If you’d like to be informed when a new contest is being offered, you might want to sign up for our newsletter ;).
Alrighty! The lucky winners this month are Deborah Makarios, Beverley Burgess Bell and Laurie Wood. I’ll be in touch with each of you soon.
Thanks for entering, everyone! I’ll see you in May :).
It would be fantastic to be selected.
Hi Becca. I would be so excited if you picked my first page to critique. I’m on my revision draft of an epic fantasy called The Searing Sands. Your advice would be invaluable to me.
Would love to be included.
I’m in.
I actually have a first page now – count me in!
Sounds like a wonderful opportunity. I’m always interested to see what others have to say about my work.
I would love to throw my hat into the ring! I would also like to send you a different email address if that’s all right? Thanks so much for this opportunity. 🙂
Laurie, could you please send me a message at becca.puglisi@gmail.com with your preferred email address? If you can do that within the next 48 hours, I’ll be able to critique your first page :).
Thanks so much for the opportunity to have first page of current WIP reviewed!
I would like nothing better than having my first page critiqued. Sounds great!
Ooo! I’ll give it a try! Thanks for the opportunity!
So do we put the first page here or wait for an email to submit?
Your name will be listed here tomorrow if you win, and at that point in time you can submit your pages. 🙂
what a great opportunity! Thank you for running this event ❤👋🏖
I’ll try!
I would be thrilled to have the first page of my current WIP critiqued!! I’m in!
I think my word press email is different then what I put earlier.
Natalie, why don’t you send me a message at becca.puglisi@gmail.com with the email you’d like to use?
This sounds great!
I’m in!
Thank you!
Trying my luck again!
I love your blog. It’s helpful and inspiring.
I’m in, thanks!
Would love to get fresh eyes on that critical first page. Thanks.
Hi Becca,
thanks for this opportunity.
I would like to take part to the monthly first-page critique contest.
Annaluisa 🙂
Yes I would like my first page critiqued!
I would love some feedback!
Yes, I’m in. Thank you!
Yaay! Its that time again 😊 And time to put one of my mum’s favourite sayings into practice – if at first you don’t succeed, try try again. Good luck, everyone!
Throwing my hat in!
Thanks so much for this opportunity.
Stay safe