Hey, wonderful writerly people! It’s time for our monthly critique contest! This month, winners will receive feedback from a professional editor. So exciting! 🙂
This contest is closed. Please try again next month. If you’d like to be notified when the next one goes live, consider subscribing to the blog (in the sidebar).
Eight winners will receive a critique of their first five pages.
If you’re working on a manuscript and would like some objective feedback, please leave a comment. Any comment :). As long as the email address associated with your WordPress account/comment profile is up-to-date, I’ll be able to contact you if you’re chosen. Please know that if I’m unable to get in touch with you through that address, you’ll have to forfeit your win.
Here’s the editor you’ll be working with:
Erica Converso
I’m Erica Converso, author of the Five Stones Pentalogy (affiliate link). I love chocolate, animals, anime, musicals, and lots and lots of books – though not necessarily in that order. In addition to my work as an author, I have been an intern at Marvel Comics, a college essay tutor, and a database and emerging technologies librarian. Between helping adult patrons in the reference section and mentoring teens in the evening reading programs, I was also the resident research expert for anyone requiring more in-depth information for a project.
As an editor, I aim to improve and polish your work to a professional level, while also teaching you to hone your craft and learn from previous mistakes. With every piece I edit, I see the author as both client and student. I believe that every manuscript presents an opportunity to grow as a writer, and a good editor should teach you about your strengths and weaknesses so that you can return to your writing more confident in your skills. Visit my website astrioncreative.com for more information on my books and editing and coaching services.
Contest Guidelines
- This month’s contest will work the same as it usually does…except our amazing guest editor will send feedback if you win.
- Please be sure your first five pages (double-spaced in 12-point font) are ready to go so our guest editor can critique it before next month’s contest rolls around. If it needs some work and you won’t be able to get it to me right away, please plan on entering the next contest, once any necessary tweaking has been taken care of.
- This contest only runs for 24 hours, start to finish, so get your comment in there!
Eight commenters’ names will be randomly drawn and posted tomorrow morning. If you win, I’ll contact you with information about sending it to me. Then, I’ll forward it to our amazing editor for feedback.
We run this contest on a monthly basis, so if you’d like to be notified when the next opportunity comes around, consider subscribing to our blog (see the right-hand sidebar).
Good luck! I can’t wait to see who the winners will be. 🙂
PS: If you want to amp up your first page, grab our helpful First Pages checklist from One Stop for Writers. And for more instruction on these important opening elements, see this Mother Lode of First Page Resources.
Want to give your writing a boost?
Join Resident Writing Coach Suzy Vadori for a 3 day virtual Writer’s Retreat this fall to get unstuck in your writing process, get inspired, and ask all the questions you’ve ever had about writing a book. See you there!
Mindy loves giving back to the writing community. She’s a founding member and Administrator on the From the Mixed-Up Files…of Middle-Grade Authors blog, an SCBWI volunteer, and host of the PBParty chats, New Draft Challenge & Critique Train, and annual contest. She writes middle grade novels and picture books filled with humor, heart, and hope and is represented by Joyce Sweeney.
would love this opportunity!
Thank you for hopping over to Writers Helping Writers and entering our monthly contest. The eight lucky winners are:
Darlene Elder
AC Hoekwater
Kathleen Mayes
Jeanne M. Dickson
Tracey Buchanan
Carolyn Crow
Huge congrats! I’ll e-mail you with instructions for sending your five pages to me.
I’ve just started writing a book. I’d love some feedback. Yes please.
Thanks for doing this! It’s a great opportunity for whomever wins.
So excited to submit to this contest!
I’m excited about this opportunity.
Thanks for always having these great giveaways! Hope you all are doing well.
I would love this!
Thank you for the opportunity 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity! Great contest! Keep on writing!
I just found this site! Thank you for the opportunity!
I would love this!!
Yay, I remembered to comment this time! I’ve forgotten so many times.
Excited for this opportunity!
Crossing my fingers!
Getting feedback is so valuable; thank you for the opportunity.
I agree about feedback.
Yes please!
I would love an edit.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I struggle so much with the first pages. I would love a critique. Thanks for the opportunity
I’d love some feedback, please and thank you!
This sounds like just what I need! Please enter my name in the contest!
Would love feedback. Thanks.
I would love feedback and thank you for the opportunity.
Thanks for this opportunity!
Thank you for all you do to help. Love this opportunity.
Thank you for all you do to help us.
Thanks for the awesome opportunity!
Here’s hoping!
Thank you for this opportunity! I have my 5 pages ready 🙂
I’ve got five pages ready to go! Thank you so much!
First five ready. Thank you for the opportunity.
Thanks! Would love this!
Thanks so much! Perfect timing for me to get feedback as I’m preparing to submit to agents.
This is such a great opportunity!
Thank you!
I’m not sure if this is the email that you have registered to me.
Thanks for the help!
Thank you for the opportunity!
What a great opportunity! Thanks for doing these contests. Count me in.
I have five pages that could use this expertise! Thank you for your consideration.
What an amazing opportunity!
I would love feedback on my first pages.
This contest is so much fun. 🙂 I hope I get picked.
As always, thanks for running the contest!
How exciting! I would love to be chosen for a critique of my first five pages. Crossing my fingers.
I love these opportunities and wish sometimes you would feature the critiques themselves on the blog–with the author’s approval, of course.
Thank you for the opportunity!
Hello. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I am always ready to improve!
I started the querying journey with my manuscripts over two years ago so here’s my comment!
As my timeline to begin querying is within two months, it would be great to receive feedback on some pages. Best of luck to all who enter!
Thank you for offering this opportunity. I’d love to win!
Grateful you provide this opportunity each month! Very handy as I prepare to enter the query trenches.
What a great opportunity! I would love this.
Always looking for a good critique.
Fingers crossed! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Thank you for the opportunity!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Yay! I hope I am “one of five”.
Thank you for this opportunity!
What an amazing opportunity!
What a fantastic opportunity from a group I highly trust.
How great is this? Throwing my hat in!
What a great opportunity. Fingers crossed!
Phenomenal first pages invite you on a journey…HELP!😊
I am so ready for this opportunity!
Thanks for the opportunity!
What a great opportunity. Thank you in advance.
What a wonderful opportunity! Thanks!
I’m never not going to leave a comment for this 🙂 …..unless my first pages aren’t ready, or course…..
An excellent opportunity! And great timing *fingers crossed*
How exciting!
Great opportunity, count me in.
This would be so helpful!
I’d love to have my first five pages critiqued!
Yes please! I’d love to be included.
Hello wonderful peeps! Please sign me up! I’d love feedback my first pages.
I never win anything. Well, I did once, but I cheated.
Wonderful opportunity. Thank you. Fingers crossed here, too.
I’d love to get some feedback on my current manuscript. Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for running this! What a great opportunity! Keeping my fingers crossed!
Wonderful. Fingers crossed here. 😊
I’d love a chance to win!
Thank you!
This sounds like an amazing opportunity. Thank you!
This is such a fabulous opportunity!
Thank you for such a wonderful opportunity!
Count me in
Yay! I missed last month’s contest, so excited to enter this one!
I would love to be considered for editorial help.