Sourced from The Emotion Thesaurus, 2nd Edition
DEFINITION: Being proven right, absolved of guilt, or set free
Standing tall
Holding one’s head high
The chest being thrust out proudly
Drawing big, chest-expanding breaths
Throwing one’s head back with the eyes closed, relishing the moment
Smiling easily and broadly
Laying a fist over one’s heart and keeping it there for a moment
Using the hands to cover one’s smile, as if afraid to let it out
Shedding happy tears
Dancing or jumping in place
Nodding or closing the eyes while pressing together one’s trembling lips
Celebrating with loved ones (hugging, grabbing them, spinning them around, etc.)
Whooping and yelling
Clapping one’s hands
The posture sagging (tension letting go) before stiffening again to support the body
Speaking in a louder, brighter tone
Having an open body posture (arms flung out wide, legs apart, head thrown back, etc.)
Taunting one’s enemies; rubbing the victory in their faces
Bowing one’s head in a silent prayer of thanks
Feeling jittery in one’s extremities
Pumping the fists
Taking a victory lap
Squatting down and hugging oneself
Expressing cautious hope (if one is skeptical and has been disappointed before)
Constant smiling
The voice rising in pitch
Pursuing goals or dreams one was previously afraid to go after
Speaking out in circumstances where one wasn’t previously comfortable doing so
A rush of adrenaline
Heart flutters
Feeling highly energetic; needing to move
A lack of sleepiness
A sense of exhaustion as the realization hits that one can finally rest in safety and peace
A sensation of being washed with a wave of peace and contentment
The face feeling stretched from nonstop smiling
Having an optimistic outlook
The world looking suddenly brighter and more beautiful
Noticing details one missed before
Scattered thoughts
Difficulty focusing on any one thing
A renewed sense of faith in God, humanity, the system, etc.
A cessation of fear at the realization that the future is brighter for oneself and one’s children
Becoming braver; taking on opposition or challenges one wouldn’t have before
Attempting to help others who might need vindicating
Seeking further reparations Increased self-confidence
Positive personal changes (eating healthier, taking time for oneself, etc.)
Getting cocky
Becoming an inspiration for others
Thinking about the future when one was previously unable to do so
A hidden smile that keeps trying to break through
Forcing one’s body to be still
Clasping one’s hands to keep them from twitching
Keeping the head down to hide any telltale signs
Taking calming breaths
Turning away or making a quick exit
Biting one’s lip to keep from speaking
Lessened productivity due to the distraction of this meaningful victory
Sharing darting glances with the people who are on one’s side
MAY ESCALATE TO: Confidence, Euphoria, Satisfaction, Fearlessness
MAY DE-ESCALATE TO: Anger, Defeat, Despair, Determination, Disappointment, Discouraged, Disillusionment, Emasculated, Frustration, Hopefulness, Powerlessness, Resentment, Resignation, Skepticism
ASSOCIATED POWER VERBS: Beam, celebrate, clasp, congratulate, dance, expand, flourish, give thanks, hug, jump, party, revel, sag, shout, sigh, swell, whirl, whoop
WRITER’S TIP: Some emotions, like confusion, should be shorter-lived or paired with another feeling. If the POV character is disoriented for too long, readers may struggle to follow what’s happening in the scene.
The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression (Second Edition) is a one-of-a-kind resource that helps writers brainstorm stronger, more compelling descriptions of emotion.
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Enjoy this sample entry and happy writing!