Rooms of a house
Computer/TV monitors
Filing cabinets
TV trays
Bathroom mirrors
Synonyms: quadrangle, quadrilateral, oblong, four-sided figure
Describing a shape is best done in as few words as possible. Think of the shape as a camera snap shot–you want to capture the gist of what you mean as soon as possible so you can get on with other related (and more important) detail, and the action happening in the scene
Accurate shape comparisons will streamline your prose, allowing you to describe an object quickly so the reader’s focus stays on the action and events of each scene.
Want access to a plethora of real-world comparisons for specific shapes so you can spend your description currency on what matters most? We have you covered. This thesaurus has been expanded by 50% and integrated into our online library at One Stop For Writers. There, you’ll find an intuitive list of ideas to choose from, cross-referenced for easy searchability. To view a free sample of this descriptive thesaurus and others, head on over and register at One Stop.
Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers—a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.
I can just see you walking around making a list of all those rectangles! Like Bish said, they’re everywhere.
Big Plain V,
Your blog is awesome! Thanks for swinging by–I’m glad you like it here! 🙂
I love this! This is a cool thing! Do you do cool things like this often?
Cuz okay, you’re bookmarked and followed. And later, I’m even gonna click the Facebook-link thing. (I’m at work now)
Thanks CR!
Gutsy & Robyn, thanks for telling us all of this is helpful to you. It’s good to know we’re on the right track. 🙂
Bish, the rectangle is watching you…*twilight zone music*
The rectangle…they’re everywhere, they’re everywhere! :O
Angela, all I can say is that mattress musta been moider!! Thanks for all of the help you give us writers. Your camera snap shot idea is clever. I’m going to try it in my story right now. 🙂
I have to thank you for offering me constant help with my book revisions. I didn’t find the color RED, the other day. Need to check again. Thanks.
awesome list!