Physical description of a character can be difficult to convey—too much will slow the pace or feel ‘list-like’, while too little will not allow readers to form a clear mental image. If a reader cannot imagine what your character looks like, they may have trouble connecting with them on a personal level, or caring about their plight.
One way to balance the showing and telling of physical description is to showcase a few details that really help ‘tell the story’ about who your character is and what they’ve been through up to this point.
Think about what makes them different and interesting. Can a unique feature, clothing choice or way they carry themselves help to hint at their personality?
Also, consider how they move their body. Using movement will naturally show a character’s physical characteristics, keep the pace flowing and help to convey their emotions.
Descriptors: narrow, bony, full, straight, curvy, slim, thin, rounded, thick, broad, hidden, wide, small, well-rounded, generous, slender…
Things HIPS do:
- Bump: bonk, push, shove, poke, kiss, butt, slam, smack, hit, slam, check
- Brush: nudge, graze, sweep, rub, caress, glance, press, stroke, touch, slide, goose
- Buck: rise, lift, climb, boost, heft, hike, hoist, heave, thrust, shift, pump, tilt
Key Emotions and Related HIP Gestures:
- Confidence: A cocked hip is often a sign of confidence or dominance. Thrusting the pelvis forward, or using one’s hands to frame the hips by tucking one’s thumbs into belt loops draws attention to one’s virility and sense of command within the situation.
- Contempt…
Clichés to Avoid:
- hand on the hips–this very common gesture requires fresh writing to use it, and only if it must be used. Challenge yourself to see if there’s another way to show the emotion you’re going for…
HINT: When describing any part of the body, try to use cues that show the reader more than just a physical description. Make your descriptions do double duty. Example: Grandma might be short, but when she got riled up, her hips were wild things. You learned to get outta her way when she stomped across the room, sideswiping stools and toddlers alike.
BONUS TIP: The Color, Texture, and Shape Thesaurus might help you find a fresh take on some of the descriptors listed above!
Describe your character’s features in a way that reveals more than just a physical description. Show what he looks like while also reinforcing his personality and emotional state, thereby doing more with less.
Need concrete examples of how to describe your character in a compelling, magnetic way? Good news! This thesaurus has been integrated into our online library at One Stop For Writers. There, you can find help with metaphors and similes, as well as the best ways to describe your character using movement. The entire Physical Feature collection is cross-referenced and linked for easy navigation. If you’re interested in seeing a free sampling of the updated Physical Feature Thesaurus and our other descriptive collections, head on over and register at One Stop!
Angela is a writing coach, international speaker, and bestselling author who loves to travel, teach, empower writers, and pay-it-forward. She also is a founder of One Stop For Writers, a portal to powerful, innovative tools to help writers elevate their storytelling.
As a being that puts hands on their hips! I put my hands on my hips once I read the part about the hands on your hips! And not to use it so much as a few of my female characters are the type to love to put their hands on their hips!
Interesting post.
Hips are good. Without them how would women carry their children? They come in handy for hauling laundry baskets too.
Even though I know you don’t do them, ANGELA I’ve left you an award on my blog because you deserve it.
As a person who is too aware of her own hips, I appreciate this post 🙂
Most helpful post! Hadn’t thought about describing hips except when a pair of jeans feel too tight. 🙂
Thanks guys…glad this one helps! amber, you’re probably right…I was thinking about a particular stretch I drove in Phoenix, but I’ll change it to not cause confusion as most desert roads are a straight a to b.
Thanks all! Hope you are having a great weekend!
Hips are tough. I never knew about ‘framing the hips’, but I’ve never been very good at interpreting body language.
Great posts! Hips, hummm.
But desert roads are pretty straight. Switch backs are for mountain roads. 🙂
Nice! Yeah,the hands on the hips thing is something some people do a lot, but a little bit goes a long way. Like rolling the eyes. That can get old really fast.
Hadn’t thought much about hips before – great tips 🙂
Thank you for this fantastic post. (Bookmarked it!) Hope your move is going well.