By Neil Chase
What’s the difference between an antagonist and a villain? We often see these terms used interchangeably, but there’s a big difference between them, and you need to know which is the right one for your story.
What Is an Antagonist?
In literature and film, an antagonist is a character or force that actively works against the protagonist or main character. Think of them as a roadblock with a clear purpose and well-defined reasons for their choices and actions.
The antagonist may be an institutional force, such as an oppressive government, or an individual, such as a villainous mentor or a romantic rival. Antagonists can also be nature itself, such as in the case of a severe drought or a hungry animal.
In addition to providing conflict and tension, antagonists also help to create a stronger sense of empathy for the protagonist by highlighting their strength and determination in the face of adversity. And while they may cause difficulties for the story’s protagonist, they are not necessarily bad people. Antagonists play an essential role in making a story more memorable.
What Is a Villain?
A villain is an amoral or evil character with little to no regard for the general welfare of others. They are driven by ambition, greed, lust, or a desire for power or revenge.
Whatever their reason, villains typically use underhanded methods to try to achieve their goals. This might include deception, trickery, or violence.
While villainous characters can seem simplistic, they can be complex and even sympathetic if written well. In some stories, the villain might be the only one who understands the true nature of the conflict. This can make for a captivating and thought-provoking story.
Are All Villains the Antagonist of a Story?
Villains are a great addition to a story. Thanks to their lack of morals and self-serving attitudes, they immediately add conflict, tension, and suspense. But not all villains are created equal.
In some stories, the villain is the clear-cut antagonist, standing in opposition to the protagonist and working to foil their plans. In others, however, the lines are more blurred. The villain may not be an active force opposing the hero; instead, they may simply have their own goals and motivations in parallel with that of the hero.
Are All Antagonists the Villain of a Story?
In any good story, there is typically a protagonist and an antagonist. The protagonist is the main character of the story, while the antagonist is the opposing force. They provide conflict and help to drive the story forward. However, not all antagonists are villainous. In some cases, the antagonist may simply disagree with the protagonist or pose a challenge. They might even share the same goal, but have different methods to reach it.
In conclusion, while antagonists and villains are cut from the same cloth, they aren’t necessarily the same. To clarify, here are some popular examples of each.
A Character Who Is an Antagonist and a Villain
Hans Gruber in Die Hard is a classic villain, who is also the main antagonist to the hero, John McLane. Hans is an evil character intent on harming others for his own benefit. He is strongly motivated by greed – he wants the money in the Nakatomi Plaza vault, and he’ll stop at nothing to get it.
A Character Who Is an Antagonist But Not a Villain
Samuel Gerard in The Fugitive is a textbook antagonist. He works in direct opposition to Richard Kimble’s attempt to escape, and spends the entirety of the story tracking him down, because it’s his job. It’s not personal and he has no ulterior motives. He’s simply really good at what he does, and he’s been tasked with bringing a known fugitive to justice. He’s not a villain. There are not evil intentions to what he does, but he is the primary antagonistic force preventing Richard from achieving his goal of finding the real killer.
A Character Who Is a Villain But Not an Antagonist
In American Psycho, Patrick Bateman is not only a terrifying serial killer but the protagonist. He is clearly evil and motivated to harm others, but the main antagonist working against him is Donald Kimball, a police detective and a good man, simply trying to solve a case.
Who is your favorite Villain or Antagonist? Why?
Neil Chase is a story and writing coach, award-winning screenwriter and actor, and author of the acclaimed horror-western novel, Iron Dogs. Neil believes that all writers have the potential to create great work. His passion is helping writers find their voice and develop their skills so that they can create stories that are both entertaining and meaningful. If you’re ready to take your writing to the next level, check out his website for tips and inspiration!
If you need help building a powerful villain, antagonist, rival, enemy, or anything in between, The Conflict Thesaurus GOLD and SILVER volumes are full of information that will help you create formidable opponents and challenges for your characters to face.

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Clear explanation afvthe difference between an antagonist and a villain. Thank you
Thank you! Glad you found it helpful!
Great examples of villains and antagonists!
Thanks Angela!
Personally, I prefer when the villain and the antagonist are the same character. However, that does not leave for nuance or suit every story.
Furthermore, perhaps because I grew up reading the G.I. Joe comic books by Larry Hama, I love when the villains double cross and betray each other. It makes them more interesting as characters.
Great teaching blog post, Neil. Thank you.
Thanks Ingmar! I love GI Joe as well. Hama had a great way of creating villains and antagonists for the series. A great example is Stormshadow, who was never a villain but was Snake Eyes’ main antagonist. And, he became a hero in the end!
Thanks for sharing this helpful post full of great examples, Neil. 🙂
My pleasure, Mindy! Hope it’s helpful for your readers!