Hey, wonderful writerly people! It’s time for our monthly first-page critique contest 🙂
This contest is closed. Please try again next month. If you’d like to be notified when the next one goes live, consider subscribing to the blog (in the sidebar).
If you’re working on a first page (in any genre except erotica) and would like some objective feedback, please leave a comment. Any comment :). As long as the email address associated with your WordPress account/comment profile is up-to-date, I’ll be able to contact you if your first page is chosen. Just please know that if I’m unable to get in touch with you through that address, you’ll have to forfeit your win.
Two caveats:
▪ Please be sure your first page (double-spaced in 12-point font) is ready to go so I can critique it before next month’s contest rolls around. If it needs some work and you won’t be able to get it to me right away, let me ask that you plan on entering the next contest, once any necessary tweaking has been taken care of.
▪ This contest only runs for 24 hours, start to finish, so get your comment in there!
Three commenters’ names will be randomly drawn and posted tomorrow morning. If you win, you can email me your first page and I’ll offer my feedback.
We run this contest on a monthly basis, so if you’d like to be notified when the next opportunity comes around, consider subscribing to our blog (see the right-hand sidebar).
Best of luck!
PS: If you want to amp up your first page, grab our helpful First Pages checklist from One Stop for Writers. And for more instruction on these important opening elements, see this Mother Lode of First Page Resources.
Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers—a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.
I would like to enter if that is, ok? How would you like to receive the first page?
Hi Raymond. I’m sorry, the contest closed before you entered. After it’s up for 24 hours, I strike through the first paragraph and let everyone know in the second paragraph that it’s closed.
Don’t worry–you’ll have another chance to enter next month!
I e-mail the winners to let them know how to submit their first page.
Working on a new book — would love to have this opportunity. Thanks!
Thank you all for participating in the monthly Phenomenal First Pages contest.
The lucky winners are…
Dedra Davis
Tracy Wood
Catherine Misener
I’m happy dancing for all of you! I’ll send you an e-mail with instructions. Congrats!
So appreciative of this opportunity to received feedback on my first page. Thank you, both!!
Thanks for the opportunity.
Hi. I would love to participate. Thank you for the chance.
I’ve received three partial manuscript requests and am preparing my pages to submit. I would Love to have my first pages critiqued by you! 🤞🏼
Thank you for doing this! Your resources are among my go-tos!
I really need this for my mystery novel. Thanks for all you do for us!
Would love to win feedback on my first page. Thanks for the opportunity.
I have a great story for you!
Wonder if I’m within the 24 hours? Not sure because of the time difference…
Hi Susan. You did enter on time! When the contest closes, you’ll see the opening crossed out and a note under that saying the contest is closed (like the beginning of this post is formatted now).
I’m sorry you didn’t win, but hopefully you will in the near future!
Thank you for considering my entry. Good luck to everyone.
Always up for advice!
Yes please
Would love the advice! 😊
How lucky we are to have been given this opportunity. thank you Miss Becca. Good luck to us all!
Would be thrilled for the opportunity!! Sending GOOD VIBES.
Thank you, Becca.
Percy the purple-beaked puffin and I would love to get your feedback on our first page. Thank you.
Please enter me into the first pages contest. Thank you!
Hi there! Hope I win!
Yes, I would love to have my first page critiqued.
Thank you for this opportunity!
Thanks for the chance! **Fingers crossed this is my month**
Yes, Please! Thank you for all you do!
Hope you pick my first page. Thanks in advance. 😊
I’m interested in the contest. How do I submit my first page? Janet
Hi, Janet. If your name is chosen, instructions will be sent about how to send your first page. Fingers crossed!
Yay!!! 😀
I will be honored if you read my first pages!
Oooo, I finally saw this on the day it was posted! Good luck to all participants and, as previously stated, THANK YOU for doing this, Ms. Puglisi!
Yes, please!!!
I would love feedback. Thanks!
I would love your feedback. Thanks for the opportunity!
I would be thrilled to have you take a peak at my first page!
Such a fantastic opportunity! Thank you!!
Woo Hoo!!
I would love to win this as one can always use help with that first page.
Comment! 😊
I could really use this!
Witches fog tombstones
wolves zombies skeletons blood
fright night candy 🎃 BOO! 👻
Greetings fellow writer!!
Thanks for running this. Best of luck to all the contestants, and to me.