Hey, wonderful writerly people! It’s time for our monthly first-page critique contest..with a holiday twist!
We appreciate every one of you so much. We love seeing you win prizes and hope critiques like these help take your writing to the next level. But some people read our blog regularly, leave tons of contest comments, and haven’t won. That’s not fair! So our holiday gift is to choose three people who have participated the most, but haven’t won this past year.
Pssst…we plan to do this again in the future, so every contest comment counts (including this post).
We’re grateful for all of you and would love to give everyone a present. In case you missed it, here’s a gift from Angela and me: a webinar called Secrets to Engaging Readers. Enjoy!
The first page critique winners are…
Congrats! Mindy will send you an e-mail with instructions to receive your first page critique from me.
We run this contest on a monthly basis and will be back to randomly selecting winners next month. If you’d like to be notified when the next opportunity comes around, consider subscribing to our blog (see the right-hand sidebar).
You don’t want to miss the January contest! It has three HUGE prizes from a guest editor…including a peek at a synopsis (a rough synopsis is fine if you don’t have a polished one). This is great motivation to work on one.
Happy holidays! One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is celebrating our accomplishments. We often cheer for big milestones like selling a book, signing with an agent and winning awards–but we also need to celebrate items that are often overlooked. Finishing a manuscript. Having an ‘aha’ moment. Trying a new genre. Gaining new writing tools. They’re incredibly important, too.
We’d love to cheer on your 2022 successes in the comments.
PS: If you want to amp up your first page, grab our helpful First Pages checklist from One Stop for Writers. And for more instruction on these important opening elements, see this Mother Lode of First Page Resources.
Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers—a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.
Wendy says
Thank you so much! This is a wonderful gift. I’m excited to get the critique!
Becky says
WooHoo!!!! Thank you so much!! I’m super excited to get my page critiqued! I love all the WHW resources and books, and appreciated the fabulous job you all do!
Marie Powell says
I’m glad to hear this! I’ve been lucky to win a critique in the past random draws, but so often I’ve been in that boat of entering and never winning. Congrats to the winners and kudos to WHW!
Dedra Davis says
I won a few months ago, and I highly recommend YOU enter!!
Susan B says
Yay! Congratulations to all the winners. What an honor. I read all your blogs, but rarely leave comments, I will definitely do so from now on!!!
I wanted to thank you for a year of very informative and interesting blog posts. I have enjoyed reading them and also learning from them.
Keep up the great work!!!