December is here, can you believe it? And we’re so glad because it means we can finally announce something fun – Stocking Stuffers for Writers!
Is it early to be giving out holiday gifts? Maybe. But it’s fun, too. So, for the next seven days, every post will have a stocking stuffer, a downloadable item to help you write fantastic fiction. (This one will help you brainstorm story events that will make readers feel more connected to your characters!)
Ready for your first stocking stuffer?
Click the image below:
A shortcut to other stocking stuffers…
Stocking Stuffer #2 can be found here and is all about resolving story conflict
Stocking Stuffer #3 can be found here and will help you build a powerful and interesting antagonist
Stocking Stuffer #4 (Check back December 7th!)
And along with this little gift, there’s something else, too…
Our ebooks are on sale:
$3.99 each (all stores)
This sale only lasts a week, so snag any digital book singles you might be missing, and if you’re feeling extra frisky-fine, pick up an early holiday gift for that oh-so-special critique partner who helped you fix that plot hole or added depth to your character. At $3.99, this thank-you gift will make your wallet happy, too.
You can find links to your preferred bookstore here, or if you are interested in a PDF, you can get that directly from us at the same low price. (Note, our Character Trait bundle is not included in this sale.)
New to the Writers Helping Writers
thesaurus collection?
If you’ve not yet delved inside one of our half-guide, half-brainstorming list thesaurus books, let us formally introduce you to this pair of bestsellers:
(affiliate links)
The Emotion Thesaurus can help you strengthen each emotional moment by helping you brainstorm authentic responses and reactions that fit your character.
More about this book
View the list of emotions covered
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The Emotional Wound Thesaurus makes character building easier by showing how painful experiences can shape who a person becomes and steer how they’ll behave. With a deeper understanding of your character’s specific past pain, you’ll know what motivates them, what they fear, and the types of struggles they’ll have in the story. Readers love characters with true depth!
More about this book
View the list of emotional wounds covered
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We hope you find today’s Stocking Stuffer gift helpful, and that our week-long discount on ebooks helps you save a bit.
Happy writing, everyone!
Angela, Becca, & Mindy
Angela is a writing coach, international speaker, and bestselling author who loves to travel, teach, empower writers, and pay-it-forward. She also is a founder of One Stop For Writers, a portal to powerful, innovative tools to help writers elevate their storytelling.
Cool! I think there are a couple of the thesaurus books I don’t have.
I’m glad you can save some cashola, then, Alex! Enjoy the downloadable stocking stuffers, too!