It’s time for another Stocking Stuffers for Writers post, meaning we’ve dropped another early holiday gift in your stocking, and all you have to do is pick it up! (This one will help you create stronger & more interesting antagonists!)
But what if you’ve only just heard about this?
Can you go back and claim earlier gifts?
Heck, yes!
Stocking Stuffer #1 can be found here and ties into character emotion
Stocking Stuffer #2 can be found here and is all about resolving story conflict
To open stocking stuffer #3,
click the image below:
And along with this little gift, there’s something else, too…
Our ebooks are on sale:
$3.99 each (all stores)
This sale only lasts until December 7th, so snag any digital book singles you might be missing, and if you’re feeling extra frisky-fine, pick up an early holiday gift for that oh-so-special critique partner who helped you fix that plot hole or added depth to your character. At $3.99, this thank-you gift will make your wallet happy, too.
You can find links to your preferred bookstore here, or if you are interested in a PDF, you can get that directly from us at the same low price. (Note, our Character Trait bundle is not included in this sale.)
New to the Writers Helping Writers
thesaurus collection?
If you’ve not yet delved inside one of our half-guide, half-brainstorming list thesaurus books, let us formally introduce you to this trio of bestsellers:
(affiliate links)
The Positive Trait Thesaurus helps you create characters readers will connect to. Dive into 100 personality traits that showcase your character’s strengths, identity, and other qualities that can set them up for success. (Don’t forget your darker characters. They need positive traits, too!)
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The Negative Trait Thesaurus helps you design your character’s darker half–flaws that trip them up, cause problems in relationships, and hold them back from happiness and success. Along with the Positive Trait guidebook, you’ll build balanced, realistic characters who feel like they’ve stepped out of the real world.
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The Occupation Thesaurus dives into one of the best details for revealing characterization through show, don’t tell: the character’s work. Find the perfect job that will seed hints with readers about the character’s personality, skills, interests, priorities, beliefs, fears, and more.
More about this book
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We hope you find today’s Stocking Stuffer gift helpful, and that our week-long discount on ebooks helps you save a bit. privileged
Happy writing, everyone!
Angela, Becca, & Mindy
Angela is a writing coach, international speaker, and bestselling author who loves to travel, teach, empower writers, and pay-it-forward. She also is a founder of One Stop For Writers, a portal to powerful, innovative tools to help writers elevate their storytelling.
Angela, thank you for sending me the email link to get Stocking Stuffer gift #3.It’s good to know the different types. Some of the secondary characters in the sequel have those traits at times. My primary antagonist in the sequel continues to be the main character as an Internal Antagonist. She causes her own problems. Hard to trust men after her father left the family when she was 15 years old. She felt lost, left out and unwanted. This carries over into her adult life, from the debut book to the sequel. In her character arc she works on this and becomes more secure in her marriage, and careers; nursing and music. She still gets into plenty of conflicts and can work her way out of them. 📚Christine Robinson
I’m glad you’re exploring how your character is sometimes the biggest problem because this is really true of all protagonists (and well, anyone!). Everyone has blindspots, and the pain of the past causes them to see the world and the people in it in a skewed way. People form biases about other people, and how the world works, and use this as a justification for acting a certain way. But, they need to see how some of these actions are actually holding them back, and standing in the way of their goal. To change their fate, they have to grow, and that means addressing the past, these misbeliefs they have, and seeing that some of the things they do and believe is dysfunctional, and the root of why they aren’t happier and more fulfilled.
Have a great time writing this character through your series! Change and awareness takes time, and I’m sure you’ll explore it! 🙂
I have all of your books and I love them!
Ah, that’s awesome –we are so glad they are a help, Kimberly!