In 1959, Carl Jung first popularized the idea of archetypes—”universal images that have existed since the remotest times.” He posited that every person is a blend of these 12 basic personalities. Ever since then, authors have been applying this idea to fictional characters, combining the different archetypes to come up with interesting new versions. The result is a sizable pool of character tropes that we see from one story to another.
Archetypes and tropes are popular storytelling elements because of their familiarity. Upon seeing them, readers know immediately who they’re dealing with and what role the nerd, dark lord, femme fatale, or monster hunter will play. As authors, we need to recognize the commonalities for each trope so we can write them in a recognizable way and create a rudimentary sketch for any character we want to create.
But when it comes to characters, no one wants just a sketch; we want a vibrant and striking cast full of color, depth, and contrast. Diving deeper into character creation is especially important when starting with tropes because the blessing of their familiarity is also a curse; without differentiation, the characters begin to look the same from story to story.
But no more. The Character Type and Trope Thesaurus allows you to outline the foundational elements of each trope while also exploring how to individualize them. In this way, you’ll be able to use historically tried-and-true character types to create a cast for your story that is anything but traditional.
DESCRIPTION: At the start of the story, this competitor is woefully outmatched and has no chance of winning. They typically begin as a reluctant participant who eventually dedicates themselves wholeheartedly to coming out on top.
FICTIONAL EXAMPLES: Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games series), Frodo Baggins (The Lord of the Rings series), Maximus Decimus Meridius (Gladiator), Margaret “Maggie” Fitzgerald (Million Dollar Baby), Rocky Balboa (the Rocky franchise), Vince Papale (Invincible)
COMMON STRENGTHS: Adaptable, Alert, Ambitious, Appreciative, Cautious, Centered, Curious, Disciplined, Efficient, Empathetic, Focused, Honorable, Humble, Idealistic, Industrious, Inspirational, Just, Passionate, Patient, Persistent, Resourceful, Responsible, Simple, Spunky, Wise
COMMON WEAKNESSES: Apathetic, Gullible, Ignorant, Impulsive, Martyr, Nervous, Reckless, Resentful, Stubborn, Uncooperative, Vindictive, Withdrawn, Worrywart
Starting out at a disadvantage
Displaying determination and grit
Persevering when times are tough
Being resilient in the face of setbacks and opposition
Being humble and teachable
Adapting to new situations quickly
Keeping their eye on the prize
Making sacrifices to reach their goals
Seeing failure as an opportunity to learn
Using adversity to fuel their determination to win
Experiencing discrimination because of their race, gender, skill level, or social status
Lacking the necessary skills or tools to win and not knowing how to acquire them
Being asked to compromise their principals to gain an easy win
Isn’t an individual but is a group, people, or nation
Continually encounters morally ambiguous or impossible decisions on their journey
Has an atypical trait: Lazy, Spoiled, Ungrateful, Controlling, Confident, etc.
A predictable plot line that ensures the underdog’s success
The rebel leader facing insurmountable odds who rallies support through rousing inspirational speeches and leads his followers to a quick victory
Other Type and Trope Thesaurus entries can be found here.
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Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers—a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.