Sights swing sets, slides, jungle gym, sandbox, tube maze, see-saw, merry-go-round, sand, mulch, wood chips, small trees, bushes, benches, black rubber mat flooring, grass, shining metal, rusty metal, torn swing seats, hollowed-out sand or dead grass where see-saw seats hit … [Read more...] about Setting Thesaurus Entry: Playground
Emotion Thesaurus Entry: Hopefulness
When it comes to emotion, sometimes we need a brainstorming nudge. After all, each character will express their feelings differently depending on their personality, emotional range, and comfort zone. We hope this short, sample list of expressions will help you better imagine how your character might … [Read more...] about Emotion Thesaurus Entry: Hopefulness
Dealing with Rejection
I’ll never make it.I should just quit.I am a total loser. Bleak words, aren't they? Still, a familiar echo to anyone receiving the soul-consuming rejection letter. A perfectly good day can go sour at seeing, 'Dear Author'. Our breath cuts off, our chest tightens, the shoulders sag and … [Read more...] about Dealing with Rejection
Setting Thesaurus Entry: Mountains
Sight Stone, crags, cliffs, shale, scree, granite, moss, treeline, clouds, mist, jagged, crooked, uneven, slope, face, ravines, waterfall, snow, snow melt, tracks, hawks, eagles, ravens, falcons, owls, mice, deer, foxes, bighorn sheep, rock slides, avalanche paths, scat, pine... Sounds wind … [Read more...] about Setting Thesaurus Entry: Mountains
Emotion Thesaurus: Worry
When it comes to emotion, sometimes we need a brainstorming nudge. After all, each character will express their feelings differently depending on their personality, emotional range, and comfort zone. We hope this short, sample list of expressions will help you better imagine how your character might … [Read more...] about Emotion Thesaurus: Worry
Setting Thesaurus Entry: Classroom
For each entry, the first section applies to the generic items found in most classrooms, plus items specific to an elementary classroom. The second section will contain items found in a secondary room. Sight: white board, markers, eraser, door with little window in it, bulletin boards, … [Read more...] about Setting Thesaurus Entry: Classroom
Emotion Thesarus Entry: Hurt (Emotional)
When it comes to emotion, sometimes we need a brainstorming nudge. After all, each character will express their feelings differently depending on their personality, emotional range, and comfort zone. We hope this short, sample list of expressions will help you better imagine how your character might … [Read more...] about Emotion Thesarus Entry: Hurt (Emotional)
Setting Thesaurus Entry: Coffee House
Sight High counters, chrome espresso/frothing machines, blenders, metal thermometers, jugs of fresh foam, jugs of milk, coffee grinders sacks of coffee beans, coffee pots, mugs, paper cups, stir sticks, shakers of cinnamon & cocoa, chocolate shavings, bottles of coffee... Sounds coffee … [Read more...] about Setting Thesaurus Entry: Coffee House
Emotion Thesaurus Entry: Distraction
A glazed look, a wandering gazeWatching the TV, reading a book and then realizing you have no idea what's happeningMind wandering during a conversationDigging through pockets or purseChecking email/texting/messaging instead of focusing on a person or taskLosing a train of thoughtForgetting what one … [Read more...] about Emotion Thesaurus Entry: Distraction
Setting Thesaurus Entry: Sleep-Away Camp
Sight wood cabins, bunk beds, curtained windows, sleeping bags and pillows, window a/c units, ceiling fans, locker, cobwebs, volleyball nets, basketball hoops, horseshoe pits, picnic tables, tug-of-war rope, archery targets, bows and arrows, bins full of art supplies... Sounds kids … [Read more...] about Setting Thesaurus Entry: Sleep-Away Camp
Emotion Thesaurus Entry: Indifference
When it comes to emotion, sometimes we need a brainstorming nudge. After all, each character will express their feelings differently depending on their personality, emotional range, and comfort zone. We hope this short, sample list of expressions will help you better imagine how your character might … [Read more...] about Emotion Thesaurus Entry: Indifference
Setting Thesaurus Entry: Farms
Sight Rambling ranch house, barn, silo, chicken coop, fenced-off green pastures, rows of growing produce, scarecrow, gardens, fruit orchard, sunflowers, pond, horses, cows, goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, geese, dogs, cats, corn, wheat, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes... Sounds Chickens … [Read more...] about Setting Thesaurus Entry: Farms