I can’t believe how quickly we reached this fantastic landmark. When Becca and I started the Bookshelf Muse back in January, we were hoping to reach out to other writers, share what we knew and in turn, learn from others. Never did we think that our tiny little blog would grow so fast and fabulously!
Our most heartfelt thanks go to all the Musers who stop in at The Bookshelf Muse to read our blog. We appreciate all the comments, insight and encouragement. Together, I think we have all found a place to grow. Both Miz Becca and I are looking forward to the future will hold!
To celebrate this way-cool achievement, I’d like to announce that our Muser Pema has won a free 1st chapter critique for being the last Muser to comment before we hit 10,000!
Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers—a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.
Thanks Tabitha!
Ack! I missed this! How did I miss this??
Congratulations, Angela and Becca! That’s amazing that you’ve gotten so many hits in such a short time frame. But not surprising, really, because you’ve got a great blog. 🙂
And congratulations Pema on winning the critique! You’re in good hands. 🙂
Congrats, Pema! And thanks, everyone who pops in to keep us company. I’m a little late to this party due to craziness in my own life (juicy details to follow in an upcoming post) but I’m very excited about this. Thanks for making it happen!
Thanks again for all the kind comments! You guys are the bestest!
Congratulations, ladies! I’m surprised you’re surprised. You’ve got a great and informative site here!
Well done, Angela and Becca, and thanks for your hard work and good ideas. 🙂
Congratulations, and good for you. I’ve done my share of lurking here too.
Woo-hoo. I love this site, and even though I don’t comment much, I visit every time there’s a new post!
Yay Bookshelf Muse! Won’t be long before it’s 50k, then 100k, then 500k and then… a mill. 🙂
(And I can totally believe how quickly you reached 10k!)
Wow–look at all those everyones! Can you tell I’m excited or what? 🙂
Thanks everyone for all your support! Vijaya, we appreciate everyone who visits us! Everyone has just been so great, keeping with us throughout the ‘growing pains’ of a new blog–this has certainly been a wonderful experience.
Thank you very, very much Angela! 🙂
Hip, hip, hooray! Congratulations on a fun, useful and interesting blog. It’s hard to get all three at once, but you’ve managed.
Congratulations!! I confess that I read your blog regularly without commenting.