Need help in a certain area but aren’t sure where to turn?
Maybe you need a secret weapon.
For over a dozen years, this website has been synonymous with quality craft advice and helpful content. Becca and Angela have compiled some of their best articles, downloads, and advice here in hopes it might help you. Just click on the topic below that’s closest to your area of struggle. Good luck!
Looking for a one-on-one story coach or editor?
Try this vetted list Angela and Becca have put together for you.
Want to save yourself a wheelbarrow full of money?
Story experts Angela & Becca have a system of planning, writing, and revising a book called the Storyteller’s Roadmap. Step by step, they share their knowledge, advice, and tips, taking you from that first idea nugget all the way through to a publish-ready manuscript. It’s like having a story coach at your shoulder as you write.
Even better? No matter where you are in the process, they point you to powerful tools that will help you. Find the Storyteller’s Roadmap, and all the other one-of-a-kind resources they’ve created, at One Stop for Writers.
Writing can be easier!